About us
We are a purely Czech company with a tradition in the printing industry since 1990. Over the years, we have developed from a garage printer to the largest printer in the Karlovy Vary region.
We own two offset printing machines (B2 and B1), one digital and technology for subsequent bookbinding processing. We focus on the production of classic mercantile - flat printed matter (from business cards to posters), folded printed matter, various types of bindings (sewn V1, glued V2, solid) from which magazines, catalogs, books, and many other printed matter are created. We specialize in printing low weight paper for the production of manuals, instructions for use and user manuals.
Due to our location in the westernmost tip of the Czech Republic, we focus not only on domestic clients (apart from the Karlovy Vary region, we supply up to 450 km east of Prague), but also on foreign customers (especially from Germany, but also France and Italy).
We offer everyone comprehensive services in the field of offset and digital printing, graphic work, printing and subsequent bookbinding processing, including delivery by our own fleet.
We build on high quality production, reliable services and fast, friendly negotiations. Our more than 25-year history with international companies, we believe, adds to our reputation, but nevertheless, thanks to our size, we remain a very flexible partner who will always help you find the most suitable solution just for you.